Pallet Potting Bench

It’s pushing spring time, which means getting ready out doors for planting and playing. In this last blast of winter from Mother Nature, you are probably cruising the internet looking for your next garden project.
May we suggest a Potting Bench? Not one of those prefab-assemble-at-home big box store kits, but a real one of a kind, looks like it was handed down from Grandmas’ garden, solid and sturdy potting bench.
Let’s talk pallets. Yep – those things stacked up at the business yards you pass as you head to work. What you may not realize, is a lot of the pallets still have good lumber in them, and for the most part, they are free! I should mention- don’t just stop and grab them. Businesses appreciate being asked first. In fact, they might even help load them, and on occasion toss in some extra bling you can decorate them with.
Pallets are made with different kinds of wood, like pine, fir, red oak, white oak, maple, black walnut, and even Australian lacewood. Underneath the dirt and scuff marks you will find some amazing looking wood. I probably want to stay away from any pallet that uses plywood. It won’t hold up in the weather, and they can be a real pain trying to separate them.
Cleaned up, sanded, natural or stained, it can be shaped into some amazing projects. Taking advantage of the stressed look, add a touch of chalk paint or a cider vinegar solution, and you can create an antique or barn wood look.
There are many ideas on the internet to get your creative on, and we have many more in our pickers den. Use your imagination to make it yours. Backsplash of your choice from scrappy tin roofing to tile to windows and ornamental iron. Running water in an old sink to an old galvanized bucket dry sink. Rustic shelving and baskets for supplies. Old coat hooks, drawer pulls, and even a rusty rake or pitch fork can add some cool drama and mysterious look to your new bench.
If you want assistance building your unique potting bench, visit us in our Makerspace!.